What is a holistic online marketing concept?

What is behind a holistic online marketing concept? And how do you derive a strategy geared towards long-term success from this? Important questions that we will be happy to help you answer.

Before you open the door to lasting success in online marketing with a well-developed online marketing roadmap, you first need to be clear about your actual goals. These are summarized in an online marketing concept. Depending on the sector in which you focus your activities, different objectives are possible.

  • Do you run your own online store? The focus is then on increasing product sales via the online store.
  • Do you work in the skilled trades? Then you may want to generate additional appointments via the contact form on your website.
  • Or are you desperately looking for skilled workers? Recruiting new employees can be an important point in your marketing concept.

The definition of a holistic online marketing concept

While you define your goals in the concept, looking to the future is extremely important. This is where the holistic marketing approach comes into play. It goes back to the realization that individual measures in online marketing quickly fade and lose their effect. If the long-term success of a campaign fails to materialize, the reasons often lie in inadequate targeting. It is possible that not enough attention was paid to the concept development. In this case, the holistic view of goals remains too imprecise – trends and future events are therefore neglected in the online marketing measures or fall completely out of the task grid.

A holistic concept defines goals from different perspectives. This requires time, which you should invest in good advice. With the support of long-standing experts in the field of online marketing, it is possible to create a holistic concept.

Let’s be clear: a holistic marketing concept is the raw version of an online marketing strategy. It takes a long-term view of goals. The advantages of a holistic marketing strategy are explained in the next section.

The advantages of a holistic online marketing concept

The advantages of an online marketing strategy lie in its holistic approach. The concept development is followed by the transfer into a strategy – the online marketing roadmap. The more precise the marketing concept is, the better individual measures can be integrated into a holistic strategy. If you look at the definition of a strategy in general, you will learn that a strategy is a precise plan that specifies a behavior that leads to achieving a set goal.

DERBORT – Online Marketing uses a specially developed 4-point roadmap when creating strategy concepts. We will now present this to you in detail.

4 steps to an individual online marketing roadmap

Step 1: Analysis of the current situation

Our work always begins with a free consultation in Fulda. Together we create an initial overview; discuss your wishes and possible goals. In order to determine the exact status of your online marketing efforts, a more precise target/actual analysis is then required. We look at all areas of your online marketing. Now we answer open questions such as the findability of your website on Google, technical aspects and the maintenance of your social networks. Only then can we tell you where you currently stand in online marketing and what potential for improvement this offers.

Step 2: Concept and strategy

Have you commissioned us to create a holistic online marketing concept? Thank you for your trust! The second step is to develop a holistic marketing strategy in the modern online context. In a personal meeting, we work together to define the long-term objectives for your company. We then transfer these into the strategy so that we can start implementing the individual measures in the third step.

Step 3: Technical setup and implementation

Now we create the basis for your success in online marketing. We first take care of the technical setup. The tasks in phase three include, for example, the on-page optimization of your website. This paves the way for a long-term SEO strategy. The term on-page optimization refers to search engine optimization, or SEO for short. By the way, SEO is a term used in marketing to describe measures that contribute to the improvement of websites. This includes technical, structural and content-related elements.

Step 4: Support and optimization

Now we are taking big steps towards achieving our goal. Once the technical setup has been successfully implemented, we take care of the holistic optimization. The goals from the strategy set the direction! For example, we take care of the topic of “Facebook marketing”. Currently, there is hardly a cheaper and at the same time highly effective way to place advertisements. With Facebook, internal advertising budgets can be allocated to individual ads very efficiently and with little wastage. Of course, we also support you in optimizing and maintaining your Facebook account. Benefit immediately from more sales – without wastage. Another task in optimizing your online marketing can involve Google Ads. The Google platform is used to manage paid advertisements. It is considered a turbo for the company’s success. In doing so, you reach the exact target group defined in advance. We are happy to take care of the target group-oriented placement of advertisements in Google’s search and display network. We keep the costs as low as possible!

Holistic online marketing concept? Take advantage of our 4-point timetable!

Do you need a holistic online marketing concept for your company rather than individual service areas? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Our online marketing agency in the Fulda area supports medium-sized companies and the self-employed in creating a future-oriented online marketing strategy.

Find out today about the benefits of holistic online marketing concepts and take advantage of our
free consultation offer

DERBORT - Online Marketing Team

“My name is Steffen Derbort, founder of Derbort – Online Marketing and I have been doing digital marketing for companies and the self-employed for more than 10 years. Many entrepreneurs are not aware of the workload reductions and time savings that are possible through the use of online marketing tools and processes. I will help you to discover these advantages for yourself or your company and to use them efficiently.”