4 tips on how to collect reviews for your company

In this article, we explain how you can easily and simply collect reviews for Google and Facebook with your company.

Why should you as a company promote reviews on Google and Facebook at all? Google reviews have a direct influence on the search algorithm, as they are one of the search engine’s many ranking factors and are particularly important for local findability.

Reviews or recommendations on Facebook, on the other hand, can help you to stand out from the competition.

Tip 1: Collect Google reviews

Have you always wondered how you can collect reviews for your Google account as effectively as possible? A good solution is your own Google review link.

  • A Google company profile is required
  • Go to the following link: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/place-id
  • Enter your address here and you will receive your Place ID
  • Now add your Place ID at the end of this link: http://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=XXXXXX

Example from our agency: http://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=ChIJvXwKatQ0o0cRhOJS-owLFiA

Tip 2: Collect Facebook reviews

To collect Facebook reviews, there is the option of using a direct link, just like with Google. ( Prerequisite is the activation of the “Ratings” tab under Settings )

  • Call up the link:
  • Replace pagename with the page name of your profile. Example: https://www.facebook.com/derbortonlinemarketing/reviews/
  • It is good to know that these ratings are not only possible within Facebook, but also externally.

Tip 3: Create a simple link

As the output links are very long, this can become very complicated on print media. A better solution is to create your own link via the URL of your own website.

Example: https://derbort-onlinemarketing.de/bewertung.

This gives you a short, simple link that takes you directly to the review page. You can then redirect visitors to the rating platform by integrating a redirect.

Alternative: Shortlinks via providers such as Bitly

Tip 4: Create a QR code

QR codes can speed up the evaluation process enormously, especially on business cards or flyers. In this way, you may be able to persuade your customer to give you a quick and easy rating on site.

  • Example provider QR code generator: https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/de

Additional tip: Use other rating portals

Outside of Google and Facebook, there are many other review portals that are frequently used. Here are 2 popular examples:

  • Trustpilot is one of the best-known rating systems for services, products and companies. Almost 1 million reviews are written on the platform every month.
  • Provenexpert is a frequently used rating portal for companies and service providers. The portal offers integration options for your website and a simple rating system.

Review cards with Google or Facebook review link

We have created a special option for you so that you can encourage customers to leave a review at your premises, in your store or on the move. You can order review cards for Google or Facebook in many different formats with your exclusive design. If you are interested in our evaluation cards, please contact us. We will be happy to advise you.

DERBORT - Online Marketing Team

“My name is Steffen Derbort, founder of Derbort – Online Marketing and I have been doing digital marketing for companies and the self-employed for more than 10 years. Many entrepreneurs are not aware of the workload reductions and time savings that are possible through the use of online marketing tools and processes. I will help you to discover these advantages for yourself or your company and to use them efficiently.”