10 tips for image optimization for search engines

In this article, we explain the specific benefits of optimizing image data and the technical aspects involved.

But let’s start from the beginning. Search engine optimization is generally about achieving the best possible ranking for your website. When optimizing images for search engines, however, it is important to generate additional rankings with your image data.

From a search engine perspective, image data is the most important part of a website alongside the actual content.

What specific benefits do I get from optimizing my image data?


Websites with well-optimized and relevant images are able to significantly increase your presence in the search results lists.


If your images appear more frequently in the Google image search results, it is highly likely that more users will be directed to your website.

Top ranking

There is always the possibility of occupying a top ranking position with a well-optimized image instead of a regular URL.


If images are marked with all important tags, the overall thematic context of the website can be improved. This increases the chances of achieving better rankings in Google searches.


Good optimization of your image data helps to improve the user-friendliness of your website in the form of improved loading times and accessibility.


Potential customers use the image search to find specific products. By optimizing the image data, you increase the chance of being found by your customers.

Here are our 10 tips for optimizing your image data:

1. the file format

Use the currently most common file formats JPG, PNG and GIF for your images.

2. the file size

The loading time is one of the ranking factors of a website, so you should optimize / compress your images.

3. the file name

The name of your image file has a direct influence on the subsequent ranking in the image search. It should always represent exactly what can be seen in the picture.

4. the image size

A standard size of at least 300 pixels for one side of an image has become established.

5. the picture format

Images in landscape format or an exact 4:3 format are clicked more frequently and are also given preferential treatment by Google.

6. the image source

It is recommended to use a thematically relevant folder structure in the URLS.

7. the surroundings

The content around the image or the keywords are also important for the ranking of individual images.

8 ALT attribute

The alt attribute should accurately reflect the content of the image. The main keyword should be included.

9. title tag or image title

Use the meta title to place your relevant keyword (serves to improve user-friendliness – not an optimization factor!).

10. use markups

Use schema.org and other markup languages with structured data. These not only make it easier for the bots to crawl, but also to assign your image data.

Additional tip: Create an image sitemap!

To promote the indexing of your image data, you should store your images in a separate sitemap and upload it to the Google Search Console.

DERBORT - Online Marketing Team

“My name is Steffen Derbort, founder of Derbort – Online Marketing and I have been doing digital marketing for companies and the self-employed for more than 10 years. Many entrepreneurs are not aware of the workload reductions and time savings that are possible through the use of online marketing tools and processes. I will help you to discover these advantages for yourself or your company and to use them efficiently.”