Haus der Musik – The instruments with the special bow

For Bernd Jestädt – Haus der Musik we realized the relaunch of the company website.

  • Website design
  • Color scheme + fonts
  • Rating cards
  • Local SEO / Google My Business
  • Photographs

The basic concept for the reorientation was clear very quickly, as the personal and technical aspect had unfortunately been neglected on the previous website. The instruments are made exclusively by hand on site by Bernd Jestädt and his team. We have therefore not only expanded the presentation of the instruments with more image and video material, but have also added the manufacturing process of some instruments to the page. Everything has also been brought up to date technically.

Customer testimonial

We commissioned Steffen Derbort to redesign our website and are very satisfied with the result. He has creatively and reliably realized all our ideas of a modern website. The idea and the execution of the small video sequences were very competently accompanied by Steffen Derbort. We look forward to continuing our good cooperation.

Bernd Jestädt – House of Music
Bernd and Ilona Jestädt